Employees of Solenis International LP, its commercial units and its majority-owned subsidiaries (collectively, “Solenis”) must not give or accept any gift(s) from a third party which creates a conflict of interest, influences the business decisions made on behalf of Solenis or which may otherwise be illegal or give the appearance of impropriety.
Employees should never give or accept gifts unless specifically permitted by this policy or approved in advance by a member of Solenis’ regional or global leadership team.
For purposes of this policy, a “gift” refers to any item of value given or received by an employee in the scope of his or her duties with Solenis. Examples include gift baskets, product samples and items (such as golf balls or polo shirts) imprinted with a corporate logo. The definition also includes business entertainment, such as travel, lodging, tickets to sporting or other events, and alcoholic beverages given or received by an employee in the scope of his or her duties with Solenis.
In giving and receiving gifts, Solenis employees must always comply with the Global Standards of Business Conduct and the Anti-corruption policy. With respect to meals with customers or suppliers and expense reimbursement for gifts, Solenis employees must comply with the Global Travel and Expense policy.
Solenis employees are permitted to give or accept the following gifts, the aggregate value of which may not exceed U.S. $300 in any six-month period unless approved in writing by the appropriate member of Solenis’ regional or global leadership team:
The following gifts are strictly prohibited:
Solenis employees who wish to be reimbursed for gifts may not use personal funds to purchase such gifts and must maintain records of approved gift expenses in accordance with the expense reporting and reimbursement process as noted in Global Travel and Expense policy.
No less frequently than once per quarter, the members of Solenis’ regional or global leadership team must report in reasonable detail each approval granted under this policy to Solenis’ general counsel.
Gift cards used by commercial units for customer appreciation programs are permitted, but require documented pre-approval from the appropriate member of Solenis’ regional or global leadership team.
This policy globally applies to Solenis employees, officers, directors and their respective immediate family members, and to third parties acting on behalf of Solenis including agents, contractors, distributors, resellers, traders and consultants.
General counsel.
There are no exceptions to this policy.