Please note that effective  November 1, 2024, CBRE has sunset the CBRE -  LITE program.  All suppliers are now required to enroll in the full CBRE Program.
For US headquartered companies click here to go to the CBRE-GWSA enrollment
For Canada headquartered companies click here to go to the CBRE-CANADA enrollment

Welcome to the CBRE-LITE Global Supplier Risk Management Program!

In an effort to strengthen our company's risk management program and ensure that we are in compliance with federally mandated laws and regulations, CBRE has implemented the CBRE Global Supplier Risk Management Program (Program) as part of our risk management policies.

The Program is designed primarily for suppliers with actual or anticipated annual spend under $5,000 USD in total for all CBRE accounts during the calendar year.

Successful completion of the Program will result in your company being added to the CBRE Approved Supplier List (ASL). The ASL will be available for all GWS accounts to view and will provide your company with the visibility across GWS accounts.

Please keep the information within your GRMS account updated. This will ensure we have the appropriate contact information and that our client account teams can determine your company’s geographic availability and service capabilities.

  • All current and potential CBRE suppliers must enroll in the Program and pass CBRE's assessment criteria.
  • There is a non-refundable $175 USD annual enrollment fee associated with the program for U.S. and Canadian suppliers.
  • If you haven't already, enroll in the auto-renew program which makes renewal quick and easy.
  • Suppliers will be able to view the results of their risk assessment and will have the opportunity to correct any deficiencies.
  • The Program is designed primarily for low risk suppliers with actual or anticipated annual spend under $5,000 USD in total for all CBRE accounts during the calendar year.
  • Successful completion of the Program will result in your company being added to the CBRE Approved Supplier List (ASL). The ASL will be available for all GWS accounts to view and will provide your company with the visibility across GWS accounts that many of our suppliers have been requesting.
  • Only suppliers and service providers included on the ASL will be eligible for work on GWS client accounts.
  • Please be sure to keep the information on your GRMS account updated to insure we can contact the appropriate people and that our client account teams can determine your geographic availability and service capabilities.



Like checking your personal credit reports each year, it is highly recommended that you check the information being reported about your company before CBRE reviews it.


By becoming compliant with CBRE's requirements, your company differentiates itself from competitors that may not be compliant which levels the playing field.


The program allows a smooth and efficient process to understand and submit required information and documents via the Veritas™ Supplier Portal.


As CBRE continues to rationalize their supplier base, suppliers that are compliant with the risk management program are more likely to maintain and possibly increase business.

Next Steps

Please select the program below based on your company's corporate domicile: