Solenis International LP, its commercial units and majority-owned or controlled subsidiaries (“Solenis”) is committed to respecting the human rights of others. Solenis will not tolerate the use of child or forced labor, slavery or human trafficking in any of its facilities or operations. Solenis will not tolerate the physical punishment, abuse, involuntary servitude or exploitation of any worker. Solenis expects our suppliers and contractors with whom we do business to uphold the same standards. Solenis shall discontinue the business relationship with any individual or company that does not follow the same standards.
Child labor – Work which, by its nature or the circumstances in which it is carried out, is likely to harm the health, safety or morals of children.
Forced labor – All work or service which is extracted from any person under the menace of any penalty and for which the person has not offered himself or herself voluntarily.
Human trafficking – An act of recruiting, transporting, transferring, harboring or receiving a person through a use of force, coercion or other means, for the purpose of exploiting them
This applies to Solenis.
Vice president, Global Sourcing.
There are no exceptions to this policy.