Solenis will operate on a global basis in compliance with all antitrust and competition laws, which are those laws and regulations that promote or seek to maintain market competition by regulating anti-competitive conduct by companies. As such, employees must not engage in price-fixing, bid rigging, market or customer allocation (conduct which is almost universally prohibited by the laws of the countries in which we conduct business), or any other activity that violates applicable laws.
Employees must learn the antitrust legal requirements of the jurisdiction in which they are doing business by seeking the advice of the Legal department or from other policies and training materials. Employees who have questions concerning Solenis’ policy on compliance with the antitrust laws should contact the Legal department.
The consequences of violating the antitrust laws are severe for both companies and individuals. An individual who authorizes or participates in conduct found to violate U.S. antitrust laws, for example, may be punished by fines and / or imprisonment. Because of the importance of these laws and because violations could have serious consequences for Solenis and for any individual who may be involved, you should consult with the Legal department whenever you believe a given course of action raises issues under these laws.
Solenis employees must ensure all contacts with competitors comply with applicable law and otherwise occur for the purpose of pursuing a legitimate business interest. For example, Solenis employees who are involved in trade associations where competitors will be present should first consult with Solenis’ Legal department for advice regarding attendance at such meetings and must adhere to the company’s Policy and Guidelines on Participation in Trade Associations.
The company’s Guidelines for Meeting with Competitors must be followed. They are attached as Exhibit 1 Summary of Antitrust Guidelines For Meeting With Competitors. Additionally, a Competitor Contact Form must be completed and reviewed with Legal in advance of such meetings, the form of which is attached as Exhibit 2.
The completed Competitor Contact Form must be submitted to the Legal department for retention in accordance with existing record retention policies.
This policy applies to Solenis1
General counsel.
There are no exceptions to this Policy.
Determine whether a secrecy agreement should be executed prior to the meeting.
Tailor selection of participants to conform with the purpose of the meeting.
Prepare and follow an agenda for the meeting consistent with the articulated business justification (see above). Meeting minutes should be summary in nature - documenting agenda flow, actions taken, conclusions reached (if any) and attendance. Minutes should be reviewed with Legal prior to distribution. Discard draft documents (unless contrary instructions are issued by Legal). The objective is to avoid the retention of misstatements, ambiguities, incomplete documents and the like which may, at a later date, create misperceptions about the meeting.
It is imperative that meeting participants avoid even the appearance of engaging in collusive or anticompetitive conduct. To that end, discussions which may touch upon the following legally sensitive “Red Flag” Topics should not occur, even if the information is a matter of public record:
Do not exchange with competitors written information relating to Red Flag Topics or future alliances unless the course of action is reviewed in advance with Legal, and remember that any exchange may be scrutinized by antitrust enforcers.
Consulted with Lega Department ?
Signed: ___________________________________________________
Printed Name: ______________________________________________
Office and Mobile Telephone Number: ___________________________